Redefining Air Filtration Industry through relentless research & sustainable products.

research & development
leading the change
We are a team consisting of scientists, engineers and chemists with decades of combined global experience. Our R&D team works tenaciously for developing competitively priced, innovative and sustainable filter media, products and filtration technologies.
We are striving towards improving SURACSH’s capabilities of process development, scale-up, and commercialization of new products in our operations. Our research team constantly endeavors to nurture new values to meet changing industry requirements.
Our key focus is on developing innovative solutions in nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC/CBRN) filtration. Our R&D team also take on many sophisticated innovations in industrial gas process filters and environmental filters. It ranges from biogas plants to sewage air treatment and odour control. From gas testing rig, to pilot scale impregnation facility and rotary tube furnace to pilot scale extruder, we are well-equipped to serve you with world-class NBC solutions. Powered by qualitative engineering and intuitive design, we are capable of addressing global needs of any nature and size.

Media Research
Understanding the optimal media has always been crucial in developing significant NBC filtration systems. At SURACSH, we have a fully-fledged and dynamic R&D team that always comes up with path-breaking innovative solutions in Adsorption Media Research. Our efforts are currently driven towards inducing catalytic properties to media, especially carbon, for enhanced performance applications. We are also working on developing smart carbon media which can detect the end of life by itself.
Using advanced flow modelling and flow analysis, SURACSH is bringing constant improvement in its filters and filter designs. Flow Simulation studies have also accelerated media research by analysing the actual pressure drop and performance of the system.

Media life cycle management
We understand that sustainable disposal of used carbon media has always been challenging, especially in the case of toxic polluted ones. SURACSH has taken up the challenges in testing, regenerating and standardisation of NBC Filters. SURACSH has partnered with various prestigious organisations like the Indian Navy and Medtronic India for developing such innovative and sustainable processes to regenerate NBC media.